AS listed in the Princeton Review below are among 388 best colleges in the nation. They are not listed in order or ranking but in alphabetical order to find a college in a particular state.
"The Princeton Review’s “Best 388 Colleges for 2023” Rankings Are Out: Top Colleges in 50 Categories Based on 160,000-Student Survey"
Twenty of the fifty categories of ranking lists, and the #1 college on the lists
Best Professors — Reed College (OR)
Most Accessible Professors — Williams College (MA)
Best-Run Colleges — Rice University (TX)
Great Financial Aid —Vanderbilt University (TN)
Best Career Services — Clemson University (SC)
Best Health Services — United States Air Force Academy (CO)
Best Student Support and Counseling Services — United States Military Academy (NY)
Best Science Lab Facilities — Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (IN)
Best College Library— University of Denver (CO)
Most Beautiful Campus — University of San Diego (CA)
Best College Dorms — Washington University in St. Louis (MO)
Best Campus Food — University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)
Green Matters: Everyone Cares About Conservation — College of the Atlantic (ME)
Most Politically Active Students — Hampden-Sydney College (VA)
Most Conservative Students—College of the Ozarks (MO)
Most Liberal Students—Bennington College (VT)
Most Religious Students— Thomas Aquinas College (CA)
LGBTQ-Friendly — Mount Holyoke College (MA)
Lots of Race/Class Interaction — Rice University (TX)
Happiest Students—Tulane University