In an article by Collin Channon, football in Farnham players in their 30's can carry go up to their 70's. The team started to take root in 2020. In an interview with, Bordon Herald, the Commercial manager Commercial manager Ed Kelsing said, “So we want to start a proper walking football club, using the 3G pitch at Weydon School, having proper qualified coaches running it, training during Thursday evenings and having as many teams as there is a demand for.
“If we get a really good take-up, I could see us putting out several teams, perhaps with different age groups, playing competitive matches, catering for players up to 70 or 75.
“Just because players get older doesn’t mean they want to stop playing, or stop being competitive. It's about seeing people carrying on playing, enjoying the game, enjoying being part of a team again and part of a club – and also about keeping people active." Rea all about it here https://www.bordonherald.com/sport/football/new-walking-football-team-launched-at-farnham-town-fc-195043